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Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA):

                 -Earn tax-free income with no minimum balance and fees


Retirement Savings Plans (RSP):

                 -Help you to buy your first home and education, income taxes and other taxes may be reduced, withdraw after retire my receive a low tax rate


Retirement Income Funds (RIF): 

                 -An extension of RSP, continue to grow on a tax-deferred basis, difference from RSP is it required you to withdraw minimum amount commencing after the plan began


Registered Education Savings Plans (ESP):

                 -Give your RESP a boost by the government, maximize your contributions and get more grant money based on your family’s income


Disability Savings Plans (DSP):

                 -Will not affect federal benefits that had given to you, save more money for a disabled person or that entire family


Pre-Authorized Contributions: 

                 -Help earn your saving automatically and it gave you a flexibility of time and amount of contributions

Best ONE

     Registered education plan (RESP) is the best one I would choose, since this is the only one that has the goal of saving for me as a student’s future post secondary education. The other ones are either for retirement or down payment. First of all, RESP give me a boost, which the government will support and match the eligible contribution to an RESP by 20%. Second of all, student and parents are able to contribute up to $50000 per children, so there will be no worries of how much can I contribute, since the number right here is already large enough. Last, if parent or student started late, they can catch up the missing years and contribute more, this is a great benefit, because from this everyone is on same line and there will be no concerns of whether you started early or late. This is a great opportunity, so find a local branch and ask a Scotiabank expert.

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